“You are beautiful.”
“You know you are beautiful.”
“Yeah. You just told me, so now I know.”
“Red looks good on you.”
“That is a stylist’s remark and you are not my stylist. So you can tell me I’m beautiful.”
“You are beautiful.”
“You know you are beautiful.”
“Yeah. You just told me, so now I know.”
“Red looks good on you.”
“That is a stylist’s remark and you are not my stylist. So you can tell me I’m beautiful.”
Then what if after the first autumn the season would have simply canceled itself? Because in no other year could it repeat the extraordinary display of color and the whole autumn paraphernalia.
And then after the first love story we would have simply stopped falling in love and writing poems and books and making movies about it. No one would ever have to repeat lines like “Do you have the time?”, “Do you want to go out tonight?” or “Will you have dinner with me?” or the ever so used “Hi. How are you?” No one would ever strive to come up with a more original first line like “Sorry, do you know which way the river flows?” And the cute couple in party clothes would not be kissing at the corner tonight. We would not develop gastritis, either.
And what about living? People have been living since forever and everything has already been lived. Yes, it has. Then, after the first human being, everything would have simply stopped. Because a human being has already lived, felt, experimented etc. And so I would not be writing things like “I want you to feel my breath in your hair” or “my mouth in the palm of your hand” and no one would say ” I’m a good cook, but remember I never eat meat”. Or “you are insane”.
Then Florence Foster Jenkins would not have existed. Or if she had, she would definitely not have sung. And what a waste that would have been.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ubiUIxbWE&w=560&h=315]
“People may say I can’t sing, but no one can ever say I didn’t sing.” (Florence Foster Jenkins)
Pe nesimțite, încetăm să mai pronunțăm cuvinte care ne fac să ne azvârlim hainele de pe noi, cuvinte pe care le-am îngropa în nisip, cuvinte care ni se înroșesc pe vârful limbii ca cireșele la soare, cuvinte care ne fac să bem limonadă cu gheață sau să ne întindem pielea la uscat după o zi de scaldă. Nu mai rostim cuvinte care zboară ca puful de păpădie odată ce ne părăsesc buzele. Toamna vine când cuvintele noastre se domolesc și adesea uită să mai zboare și iernează undeva sub cerul gurii, în spatele dinților după care se chircesc ascunzându-se de vânt. Pentru că încep să găsească de mâncare acolo și mușcă din limbile noastre amorțite, doar-doar le-or trezi.
Abia pe urmă încep să ruginească și copacii, când nu-i mai pot ține cuvintele verzi.